Thursday 24 February 2011

Task analysis


Different cultures of the world provide textile designers with a wealth of inspiration. Whether it is through their artists, fashion designers, special occasions, music, festivals or seasonal celebrations they all provide pattern, colour and texture essential to the development of inspirational textile
I have chosen to follow design task 1- A popular high street store has commissioned you to design a fashion garment or accessory to wear at a special occasion event. Your design is to be inspired by the colours, spirit, and pattern offered by another culture.

I have been asked to identify a culture to choose as the theme for this project and I have decided on Japanese culture as it is very well documented and has inspired western artists such as Van Gough and Degas. I will need to carry out more research to be able to explore all the possibilities available to me.
To help me in my designing I will need to finalise a target group and a special occasion event to keep me focused.
I have started researching on my theme, the Japanese culture. I used the internet, google to find pictures of Japanese culture like their art, architecture, costumes and flowers. I looked closely at the patterns, colours and textures provided to give me inspiration on my product.
Here are the websites:

Plan for research:
-Create a moodboard which reflects Japanese culture
-Research target group
-Research popular high street stores
-Research existing products for special occasion events

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